
By on January 21, 2024

This weeks service can be watched by clicking here.

Bible References:

  • Matt 3:2-3, 11-15
  • Matthew 11:11
  • Matthew 3:16-17
    • Heart Search: How would you describe your relationship with God? Blue – cold and distant, Red – angry and frustrated with God, or green – things are good.
  • Matt 4:1-2
    • Do you trust God over your feelings?
  • Matt 4:3-11
    • I love CS Lewis’s Screwtape Letters: written from the perspective of a demon to a younger demon about how to deceive people.  Interesting fiction. This video too brings up a similar perspective.
    • Click here for the video


  • Make plans to fast a day, a time (6am-6pm), fast from something Feb 14th to Resurrection Sunday March 31st (Brunch Sunday!) This is so that you can focus on God and your relationship.
    • Instead of providing your own bread, you find the word of the Lord for your food.
    • Instead of focusing on your feelings or needs, allow God to be Lord of your feelings and all you need.
  • Make a plan to read the scriptures and discuss them, in Life Group or meet with me. It will provide and protect you (not on bread alone, but on His word) like Jesus responded!

Daily Bible Verses:  Read through Matthew 4

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